Triple Basics
Triple Overview

Triple High-Level Data Flow


In the diagram below, you can see the different interaction points between Triple, Publishers (such as financial institutions and other providers of loyalty programs), and Content Providers (such as merchants, retailers, offer networks, and loyalty programs).

There are six integration points:

  1. Cards & Card Programs Registration
  2. Transactions & Transactions Matching
  3. Settlement Processing
  4. Offer Display
  5. Feedback Loop & Recommendations
  6. User Notifications
Tripe Interaction Points
Triple Interaction Points

Publishers register their card programs and customers' cards with Triple. Publishers do not share actual card numbers; instead, unique tokens called External IDs are used to represent cards.

Once registration is complete, publishers share cardholder historical and current transaction data related to registered cards with Triple. Historical transaction data is requested by Triple to help its Targeting Engine provide relevant offers to cardholders from their first use. Current transaction data are transactions that are ongoing. Triple usually receives such data when the cardholder swipes their card, and the publisher receives it from the network/processor or in a daily batch file. Historical and current transaction data and cardholder events indicating affinity are sent to the Targeting Engine, which matches them with active content provider offers to determine which offers to display. The targeted offers are displayed to the cardholder through the means determined by the publisher, such as a banking app or website. Cardholder interactions with the displayed offer are stored in the Event Datastore, recording information such as "likes/dislikes" or whether they opened the offer to see more details. These interactions are fed into the Targeting Engine to help Triple refine targeting for future offers. If the cardholder makes a purchase based on the offer, Triple receives the transaction, matches the transaction data with the offer, and sends it to the merchant or content provider. The merchant or content provider confirms whether the transaction is qualified, and if so, Triple sends an invoice that shows the reward and marketing/advertisement fee. Once the reward is funded, Triple settle the funds with the Financial Institution, which then distributes the reward to the cardholder.

Settlement Process
Settlement Process

Triple provides information, including backup files containing detailed data for the transactions, to help with the reconciliation process for settlement. Note that the publisher and merchant or content provider determine the adjudication and timing of the settlement. Throughout the process, Triple provides user notification data that can be displayed using the channel the publisher uses to communicate with cardholders, such as push alerts in an app, emails, or text.

Affiliate offer links can also be shown alongside an offer. Cardholder interactions with affiliate links are recorded in the Event Datastore, but the "source of truth" for a cardholder's purchase of an affiliate-linked item is sent from the merchant, while the publisher's record is the "source of truth" for offer transactions.

While Triple's proprietary personalization and targeting algorithm will always recommend the most relevant offers; enrolled card holders are able to browse the entirety of the Triple catalog of offers.